Sunday, January 17, 2010

Grammar Lesson...

I understand that sometimes my grammar and spelling is not always the best but I I tried to make my blog title a little darker because the apostraphe was not showing. But the title is called "Hangin with the Hess's". And when I was making the blog, I couldn't fit all the letters into my address so I had to shorten it to the best of my ability. Hence "HanginwiththeHess". So if anyone has questions about my schooling, I've done the best I can.

1 comment:

  1. The only comment I've been meaning to leave lately is that you guys look like you've been havin' FAR too much fun!!! Your granddaughters are absolutely precious. I know that someone's probably teasin' ya, but I say, this is your journal, post & write whatever you love!
    Hope all is great with you guys.
    Much Love, Em
