Last night Brenna and Jason went to Costco's "belated" Christmas party and grandpa and I babysat the kids. We had a great time, but KD was just a little hy
per and I teased her saying if she didn't calm down I was going to put her in a straight-jacket. She asked what it was and I told her she would find out if she kept it up. Well...she wouldn't settle down and this what happened...
This is my bathrobe, I put it on her backwards, asked her to cross her arms, I tied the robe's arms behind her then used the sash to finish my object lesson.
Kyla on the other hand is my techno granddaughter. She is either playing with grammy's piano or my cell phone. Last night it was my cell phone.
But as you can see, KD forgave me. The funny thing was, after I took my robe off of her, she wanted to stay wrapped up in it, laid across my lap and was very calm to finish our movie!
This weekend has been one of the best weekends. It's a rare occasion when Mike is home for not just one day but two days and I can spend time with him. We spent all day together on Saturday, Dani stayed home with a migraine and it was good for us as a couple. Then of course babysitting our grandbabies which is always a joy! AND Mike went to church with me, he hasn't been to church with me in a LONG TIME. It was great!
I find it interesting that Grizzly kind of resembles Mike...