Thursday, February 4, 2010

Good Times...Good Memories!

The past two weeks have been full of good times for me. Always of course do the good times include my children and grandchildren. There was one night I got a unexpected call from Brenna asking me to come over and see Kaitlyn. I guess they had a pirate come to school, dressed as a pirate and he even had a "real parott". They book he read was "Pirates Don't Change Diapers". So KD got her pirate costume out she wore for Halloween, her dad, Jason got involved and helped her with her becoming a real pirate, with authentic maps, compass, and a pirate telescope. I went over to their place with my camera, ready to take some serious pictures and when I turned on my camera the words were staring at me "no memory card". I left the darn memory card at home. So I ran home, actually drove, came back and started with the pictures. I don't know who had more fun, Jason or KD but I enjoyed watching them. When I was leaving I asked KD if pirates gave Grandma's hugs and her response was "Argh, no they don't". I couldn't help but chuckle and with joy tucked that moment away in my special grandma memories! And like always, our little Kyla always has to be in the picture, which as always I am happy to accommodate.

Today was Jason's birthday (Happy Birthday Jason) so we went out as a family for dinner, and yes...Mike was home to enjoy this family time, but I was sitting at the table, watching Brenna with her daughters and realized what a wonderful mom she is. And in spite of what kind of a mom I was, she is AWESOME! I am so proud of her. And I can't wait for the new granddaughter and I can't wait until my other daughters have babies too, they will be great moms also!

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