Sunday, February 28, 2010

New Littlest Addition to Our Family!

Kamryn Aubrie Hyde
8lbs 12oz

She was born today around 4:20pm. I was with my two little granddaughters today and we had fun. Went out to breakfast, then down to my bestfriends house to deliver Girl Scout cookies, then on the way back home the girls talked to their mom (Brenna) and it was decided that I would bring them up for a visit. When we were on our way there Brenna was at a 4, then when we got there she was at a 7. Within a half an hour, she was at a 10. Okay folks let's go. I took the girls home for some dinner and Mario Brothers. Then the call came saying she was born. I took the girls up to meet their sister and it was just precious. Here are some pictures. Kyla was there but she was hiding a lot. I am so proud of my daughter and Jason. By the way...did I mention I just love being a grandma? I can't wait for Mike to get back home and meet his new granddaughter!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Best Purchase I Could Make!

For a couple of years now I have wanted to purchase a Wii. But the prices have always been a little too much. But because of recommendations from Danielle's doctors to help with her learning disabilities (i.e. visual spatial disorder) this game was recommended because it would help with the connection of her nerons and concentration along with coordination. So I made an investment that has turned out to be a big family blessing. We have turned off the TV more and have spent more quality time as a family. Mike loves it and there is more harmony at home because it has given our little family something to do to together instead of watching TV. And other family members have been bitten by the Wii bug. Tonight Uncle Don and Aunt Irene, Brenna and the kids and Shawn came over for homemade chicken noodle soup (my wonderful husband made it) and we played Wii resort for along time. Then when everone went home, Jason and KD came back over and played Mario Brothers with Dani and I. Had a wonderful time. Like I said, it was the best purchase I could make! As you can see Uncle Don and Aunt Irene had a good time. Also one of the best things is holding your grandchildren.
By the update yet on the birth of granddaughter #3. Any day now. I do believe that Brenna is ready but baby "Beautiful", that's the name that Kaitlyn has given her baby sister is no ready...she is taking her time! That's okay, we will wait...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Grandma Time!

Have I ever said how much I love being a grandma? If I have I am going to say it again! I love it. I can understand now how my dad felt being a grandpa. He would love to sit and just watch the girls play, just to interact with each other. I can see why my dad felt that his granddaughters were his sunshine because I feel that way with my own granddaughters. But this is bittersweet because I was pretty selfish when my dad was around and I moved away from him, taking his sunshine with me. I know without a doubt I would feel that way too if my grandchildren moved away from me. But I also know my family has a life of their own and they need to go where they need to for their own families. But I feel the pain of my actions almost everyday and I hope and pray that my dad will forgive me. So...while I have my granddaughters around me, I sit back and watch them also and feel the same kind of joy my own father did in watching my daughters. Now the picture above is of my three daughters, Brenna, Ashley and Raelyn. Brenna I think was going into 2nd grade and Ashley and Raelyn were starting daycare. We were living in San Bernardino at that the time.

This picture is of my dad holding Ashley. I have a picture somewhere I haven't been able to find of my dad holding Brenna, Ashley and Raelyn. I sure do miss him and so do my daughters.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Interview Update...

For the past little while, both Mike and I have been getting pretty sick of being separated for up to close to three weeks at a time. Each trip gets a little longer. So...we've made a life decision...time to get off the truck! And what a decision it is too. Not only would we be taking a big cut in pay, we would have to learn to be nice to each other...more often! LOL! We were talking the other night and we realized that out of close to 8 years of marriage, we've only had three months of a normal marriage before we got on the truck. Three months!!! So here is the good news. Mike had an interview with his trucking company to be a driver manager. As far as I know the interview went great, they were impressed with his resume, his character and integrity, they were concerned about him taking the cut in pay but he told them that it was time he was home to help out with our daughter and he knows it will be an adjustment but he is confident he can make that change. So am I! The interviewer from corporate told him not to expect things to happen too fast. It may be two weeks before we hear anything, so keep your fingers and toes crossed and keep us in your prayers. We know this is the right move. Scarey but the right move.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Ain't We Cute?

I just had to talk about this picture. This was taken yesterday after church. I wanted to have a new picture of us after a wonderful weekend of being together. Saturday we did family things. Did the laundry, visited the in-laws, did errands, visited the in-laws again (Mike filled up his dad's truck with gas), went out to dinner with our neighbors as a payment. Our neighbor helped Mike tune-up his truck so it could pass passed! So it was an early dinner and fun time bowling on the wii. Sunday we went to church, came home to cook and spent the remainder of the day at Uncle Don and Aunt Irene's for "Superbowl" food and great commercials. So, it was a wonderful weekend. I just got a call a little bit ago from Mike saying he has an interview tomorrow morning for the driver manager position where he works. Keep him in your prayers. We both want him's time he got off that truck.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Good Times...Good Memories!

The past two weeks have been full of good times for me. Always of course do the good times include my children and grandchildren. There was one night I got a unexpected call from Brenna asking me to come over and see Kaitlyn. I guess they had a pirate come to school, dressed as a pirate and he even had a "real parott". They book he read was "Pirates Don't Change Diapers". So KD got her pirate costume out she wore for Halloween, her dad, Jason got involved and helped her with her becoming a real pirate, with authentic maps, compass, and a pirate telescope. I went over to their place with my camera, ready to take some serious pictures and when I turned on my camera the words were staring at me "no memory card". I left the darn memory card at home. So I ran home, actually drove, came back and started with the pictures. I don't know who had more fun, Jason or KD but I enjoyed watching them. When I was leaving I asked KD if pirates gave Grandma's hugs and her response was "Argh, no they don't". I couldn't help but chuckle and with joy tucked that moment away in my special grandma memories! And like always, our little Kyla always has to be in the picture, which as always I am happy to accommodate.

Today was Jason's birthday (Happy Birthday Jason) so we went out as a family for dinner, and yes...Mike was home to enjoy this family time, but I was sitting at the table, watching Brenna with her daughters and realized what a wonderful mom she is. And in spite of what kind of a mom I was, she is AWESOME! I am so proud of her. And I can't wait for the new granddaughter and I can't wait until my other daughters have babies too, they will be great moms also!