Thursday, June 11, 2009

Cute Happenings! Made me Laugh!

This week has been a little stressful, not only getting my daughter Danielle ready for her trip to Maryland but my oldest daughter Brenna and her two daughters, Kaitlyn and Kyla were off on a trip of there own to California to visit Brenna's dad for a week. My children are everything to me, that includes my granddaughters. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't either talk to one of them, (mainly the out of state daughters) or see them. I can honestly say that I am addicted to my grandchildren. I know that sounds terrible, but they bring me such innocent and wonderful joy!

But anyway, last night (Thursday night) I had made up little bags for KD and Kyla with coloring books, crayons, cookies, my little ponies, juice, etc. And I made up one for Brenna too of course. This is something I did for my kids when they flew to California to visit my dad. Anyway, KD told me thank you but Kyla was asleep. Kyla (19 months old) called me this morning doing her jabbering to say I am sure, thank you grandma. Then Kaitlyn called me later in the morning, from the airport. She told me she was on the plane and she was excited. When I talked to Brenna she said they were waiting in line but KD called it the "plane port". I was tickled that she called me. Then later in the day after 2:30pm Kaitlyn called me again to make sure I knew she was there and safe. Those little calls and thoughts just warm my heart.

Then my sweet daughter Danielle. She is so excited to be going on her trip, she came home, got my big suit case, and piled her clothes in and zippered it...she was ready to go. So tonight I sat down with her in the livingroom and we went through what she had. Actually, she didn't do so bad. But in her backpack, she was trying to take too much with her. So we downsized, got her outfit together for her trip, went over basics, made sure I had her important documents together and I think we are ready. I did get a message from her sister Raelyn, in Maryland that they have reservations for the White House on Thursday. How exciting is that? But I worry about all this over loading her, but I have complete confidence in her sister (Raelyn) that she will be just fine. I am so excited for them both, to spend time together, do some fun things, etc. I am real jealous now.

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