Saturday, November 20, 2010

My New Blog!

For anyone who reads this blog, I have started a new one. This one is about our journey, that is my husband Mike and I, of losing weight. And it's just not about the conventional loosing weight. It's about Mike going through Lap-Band and both of us working together to loose our weight.

It's called:

Please check it out and if you'd like, follow us!

Monday, November 15, 2010

My Little Angel's...

These little angels are my granddaughters. I am so proud of each of them, for all they have accomplished and for what they will do in the future. The little one on top is Kamryn, she is now 9 months old and the littlest of the three girls. She shows no fear about trying something new and exploring.
This is Kyla. She just turned 3 last week. If any of my granddaughters can get me out of a foul mood it is this little one. Her smile and laugh is infectious. She is extremely polite and full of gratitude. She is always saying "Thank you" for everything and anything.

This is Kaitlyn, she is 7 and the sportsman of the family. She has just finished her third year of soccer and from what I understand mom is going to get her involved in ballet after the first of the year. Grandma here is also going to start teaching the piano. When ever she comes over to grandma's she is always playing my piano. She has a natural ear for tones and melodies.
So here are all three of my little angels and I do mean angels. They have wonderful parents who take the time to teach, sit down on the floor and just "PLAY". There is a lot of exploring, questions asked and answered. There have been times I've gone over and Brenna is in the kitchen teaching colors or number with Kyla. There is story time, reading is encouraged. I love hearing the stories of mischief these girls get into and how sometimes mom and dad are frustrated, I just laugh because I went through the same thing as they did...I guess payback? I love being a grandma and I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world!