Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Very Merry Christmas It Was!

Christmas found us together as a family. Just two weeks ago, Mike is now the proud new owner of a lap-band, and he is doing so well. Very proud of him. So he had two weeks to recover from surgery and luckily that took us into Christmas. And as of Sunday when he left, he had lost 35lbs.

This was definitely a different Christmas, normally we as grandparents would have been over at our grandchildren's watching them open their gifts and having breakfast with our family, but this year they got the opportunity to travel to California so they could spend Christmas with their other grandpa. I understand they are having a great time, but I sure did miss them and still do. This picture was taken on Christmas Eve before they left for California, the girls were watching a movie so intently but I had Kamryn's attention the whole time.

But we spent Christmas day opening gifts and then I made homemade potato/cheese/broccoli soup, there were rolls and who ever wanted to, they could bring anything they want. Uncle Don and Aunt Irene along with Sean came over and then there was Kyle and then Jared and Stephany (I hope I spelled her name right this time). And the most important part was spending time with our newest granddaughter Ami. She is a doll and just so easy to love. I hope in the new year we can spend more time with her. Oh I can't forget my sweet mother in law coming over also.

Christmas day came and went so fast for me because Mike had to go back to work by 5am Sunday morning. It was wonderful having him home with me, he helped me in so many ways and took so much stress off of me, words can't express my appreciation to him. But with him back on the road again, the loneliness settles in again but we are working on getting him home. We are actively looking for a new job so he is home every night, so keep us in your prayers.

Well, as the New Year approaches, I would like to wish everyone a great New Year and that all your dreams and endeavors come to life. Just know I love you all!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

My New Blog!

For anyone who reads this blog, I have started a new one. This one is about our journey, that is my husband Mike and I, of losing weight. And it's just not about the conventional loosing weight. It's about Mike going through Lap-Band and both of us working together to loose our weight.

It's called:

Please check it out and if you'd like, follow us!

Monday, November 15, 2010

My Little Angel's...

These little angels are my granddaughters. I am so proud of each of them, for all they have accomplished and for what they will do in the future. The little one on top is Kamryn, she is now 9 months old and the littlest of the three girls. She shows no fear about trying something new and exploring.
This is Kyla. She just turned 3 last week. If any of my granddaughters can get me out of a foul mood it is this little one. Her smile and laugh is infectious. She is extremely polite and full of gratitude. She is always saying "Thank you" for everything and anything.

This is Kaitlyn, she is 7 and the sportsman of the family. She has just finished her third year of soccer and from what I understand mom is going to get her involved in ballet after the first of the year. Grandma here is also going to start teaching the piano. When ever she comes over to grandma's she is always playing my piano. She has a natural ear for tones and melodies.
So here are all three of my little angels and I do mean angels. They have wonderful parents who take the time to teach, sit down on the floor and just "PLAY". There is a lot of exploring, questions asked and answered. There have been times I've gone over and Brenna is in the kitchen teaching colors or number with Kyla. There is story time, reading is encouraged. I love hearing the stories of mischief these girls get into and how sometimes mom and dad are frustrated, I just laugh because I went through the same thing as they did...I guess payback? I love being a grandma and I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Let's Do the Time-Warp Again!

Life has a way of getting away from us as we get older. The older I get...the more busy I am and it should be the other way around, I would think. But we've been pretty busy, we've been through some tough times lately but things are smoothing out.

The fall always find Mike and I heading to our favorite trails up on Monte Cristo. The trees are so beautiful with the changing colors. Riding our ATV is one of our many favorite things to do. We haven't been able to do it that much this year because of the economy and his job takes him away more than not, but we manage.

With the weather turning colder, it's time to put our camper away and count down the days until spring comes upon us again, we always miss our camping/ATVing days when it's snowing. I guess maybe we should get into snowmobiling. Nah...I'll stay with our ATV.

Well now, tomorrow night is Halloween, I am not a big fan of the holiday but I do love seeing my family dress up. Last Friday night was our wards "Fall Social". And here are my fairies...Kaitlyn (in the blue), Kyla (in the pink) and Kamryn of course in the stroller. And my Danielle was called the "Night Fairy". I consider myself very lucky and blessed to have the family that I have. With all the bomb threats, terrorism, etc. I don't want to take my family for granted and miss all the small opportunities to be with them. We may never know when it will be our last moment here on earth with them. I want them to know how much I love them and always will. Nobody and nothing can take that away from me. I am thankful to my Father in Heaven for blessing me with my daughters, and then my husband who I love with all my heart, just wish it didn't take so long to find each other, but we have each other the song says from Sugarland "you and me baby we're stuck like glue"!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Take Me Out to the Ball Game!

I apologize from the bottom of my heart and soul, I have not had internet connection for a long time and boy did I miss it. I went on strike again with Comcast with their huge pricing and finally canceled my cable and internet services. Now I have Qwest internet and loving it.

Anyway, last weekend when my wonderful husband was home, we went to a Raptor's baseball game. I hadn't had so much fun in a long time. I yelled and cheered with the best of them. Dani and her friend Jake were also getting into the spirit of things.

As you can see I am not very good at taking pictures of me and Mike, Mike turns out good but I always look like I am learning way back with a huge neck. Kind of embarrassing. But I really enjoy spending time with my husband, miss him so much when he is gone for 2-3 weeks at a time. So we spend as much time together doing something fun and cheap. At least the baseball game was free with a coupon from McDonald's. But it's the memories of a good time that counts.

Then my sweet granddaughter Kaitlyn took her first major plane Grandpa Santi's out in California. She did great, had a ball. Grandpa Mike and I bought Kyla this huge Teddy Bear from Costco. Kyla has it on her bed and sleeps on it, just like Dani did with her big Zebra. But my other beautiful granddaughter Kamryn loved laying on her sisters Bear also.

I look at these pictures and I am pretty sure some of you who read and follow my blog probably think I am obsessed with my family but you know what? I am! I would rather be obsessed with my family than other early things. Because it's not the earthly things like my home, car, clothes, who I know that is going to get me with my family for all eternity, it's my relationship with no only first and foremost my Father in Heaven and Christ but then it's the relationships I have with my family.

Friends are going to come and go, friends will hurt you and family members will also but it is up to us to "Forgive and Forget", it's not up to Heavenly Father because he will forgive who he will, but it is commanded that we do it regardless. I have to think of the lesson we had today in Gospel Doctrine about Job. Regardless of what he went through, the loss of his family, his wealth, etc, he still praised God. Can we do that? So for my strength to get through my trials, my health problems, and anything that may come my way, I rely on the strength of God and then rely on my family. My husband Mike is such a great example of strength is. Can you imagine being out on the road for weeks at a time, away from your family? He does it with the right spirit and I know he relies on Heavenly Father for him to get through the times alone, until he comes home. It's hard, he hardly complains. I think I do it enough for both of us. But what an example he is for me.

So that is why my family is everything to me. My question to you is this...what does your family mean to you?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Time To Catch Up!

What a beginning of the summer our family has had. First...Danielle went to California to visit her sister Ashley and from what I have was the bomb! From what was told to me, they went to the beach, Magic Mountain, went down to West Covina to visits our old home, hung out together. I know it was hard for Dani to come home because she really enjoyed being with her sister and visa versa.

During that weekend it was our 8th wedding anniversary along with Father's Day. Mike and I took our camper and ATV up to Hardware Ranch, outside of Logan (Cache Mountains) and spent 4 wonderful days together. We also had Uncle Don and Aunt Irene with us. The riding was great, the food was great and the company was great also. For a gift for Mike I had our talented son in law Mitch design and create a wonderful hoodie. Mike was so excited and pleased, it even brought a tear to his eyes. Of course the picture above is our Grizzly Bear who loves to ride on our ATV. We have a new speedometer system. If we are going fast enough that at least one ear is up it's about 20mph, if two ears are up and his beard is messed up...then we are going fast enough. He loves speed.

We've been pretty lucky the past few weekends, we've just left our camper up there in the mountains and we've gone back. Last Saturday I drove 51 miles on the ATV, when I got back to the camp ground I was in so much pain and suffered greatly the next day, my hands were so swollen, I couldn't move my rings around. As you all know I fight Fibromyalgia every day of my life and that fun was more than my body could handle...but I wouldn't change a thing! It was great! And we are doing it again this weekend.
Saturday, July 3rd, my little granddaughter is marching in her first parade with her Girl Scout troop. I am excited to see that and take pictures. And then after that it's back to the mountains. But it is also sort of a celebration or remembrance, haven't decided. Saturday marks the one year anniversary since my accident that I broke my ribs. Ouch! Let's don't replay that again!

So after this weekend I'll have more pictures but I have to put this picture in, it's my granddaughers with their new skirts. They were outside twirling and so happy, I love doing things like that for them.

Friday, June 11, 2010

WOW! What's That Smell?

After a long day at work, and I mean long, on the way home I kept going over in my mind what was in my freezer to make for dinner. There was the usual phone calls from Dani asking when I would be home and I gave the usual answer..."You'll see me when you see me". But when I walked into the house and deposited my shoes and belongings, Dani had me sit down on the couch, she gave me the Wii remote and said "Relax mom, I'm cooking dinner". My first thought was "oh, oh...what did she do now?" But I was wrong...she had a wonderful conversation with her brother Aaron during the day and feeling pretty good about herself. And I have to admit...dinner was VERY GOOD! She made her own rendition of Chicken Alfredo.

There has been a big change in Dani ever since her relationship with her dad has improved and then this new fresh relationship with her brother. That big hole that was festering in her soul is healing. But we are still taking things one day at a time because this could be the "high" before the "low". Everything happens in cycles with these FASD kids, at least in the older group I've found.

Tomorrow we are spending sometime in the afternoon with my granddaughters (Dani's nieces) at "The Tree House" in Ogden. It's like a children's museum...but better. This is where Dani can let her teenage years melt away and be the kid that she tries so hard to contain. Makes me sad to see that because society dictates how a person should act, even with disabilities. So I am looking forward to letter her hair down, literally!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Family...Thank you Aunt Debbie!

I ran into a stranger as he passed by,"Oh excuse me please' was my reply.
He said, "Please excuse me to; I wasn't waching for you."
We were very polite this strange and I. We went on our way and we said goodbye.
Later that day, cooking the evening meal, My daughter stood beside me very still.
When I turned, I nearly knocked her down."Move out of the way," I said with a frown.
She walked away, her little heart broken. I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken.
While I lay awake in bed, God's still small voice came to me and said,
"While dealing with a stranger, common courtesy you use,
but the family you love, you seem to abuse".
"Go and look on the kitchen floor, You'll see some flowers there
by the door...those are the flowers she picked for you. She
picked them herself; pink, yellow and blue."
"She stood very quietly not to spoil the surprise, you never
saw the tears that filled her little eyes"
By this time, I felt very small and now my tears
began to fall.
I quietly went and knelt by her bed; "wake up little one,
wake up", I said.
"Are these the flowers you picked for me?"
She smiled and said, "I found 'em out by the tree. I picked 'em
because they're pretty like you. I knew you'd like 'em
especially the blue."
I said "Honey, I'm very sorry for the way I acted today; I shouldn't
have yelled at you that way."
She said "Oh, Mom, that's okay I love you anyway".
I said "Honey, I love you too, and I do love the flowers, especially the blue".
Are you aware that if we died tomorrow, the company that
we work for could easily replace us in a matter of days?
But the family we left behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives.
And come to think of it, if we pour ourselves more into work
than into our own family, it would be unwise investment indeed,
don't you think?
So what is behind the story?
Do you know what the word FAMILY means?
FAMILY = (F)ather (A)nd (M)other (I) (L)ove (Y)ou

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Let The Fun Begin!!!!

What a fun and wonderful day we had today. Our first trip out on our ATV's. There was Mike and I, Danielle and Shawn, Uncle Don and Aunt Irene along with our next door Paul. We went up to Ant Flats just underneath Monte Cristo. We had planned on driving the 14 miles to Hardware Ranch but we found a better route, purly by accident, but it was the best route we could find. Took us up around some of the prettiest mountains and views that our wonderful Mother Nature could offer. At some places it was pretty muddy, which makes Mike pretty happy. We headed back into town around 3pm and had a good meal at "Golden Corral". When we got back home we unpacked and Dani surprised me by washing my car. Bless her heart. But we all had a wonderful time, it was great seeing dad and daughter work together in harmony. Now we are enjoying a quite evening home watching "Up" and munching on M&M's.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thoughts From the Past...Or Are They Ghosts!

I've discovered as I grow older, not that I mind it, I find that I am more well seasoned in age and wisdom, like a well used and worn dutch oven. In theory, a dutch oven cooks so much better after so many uses, not saying that I have been used or are being used, it's just a theory. It's like fine gets better with age...that's what I am saying. They say we learn from our past and our mistakes...I believe I have learned a lot, wishing I could go back in time to change a few decisions, rethink things, etc.

One decision I regret and I will blog about because it affects my family directly. Back in 1994 my ex-husband's sister passed away who lived in Texas. He went down there before me and I soon after joined him. During that time in Texas we discovered two children that were extremely neglected and needed to be taken care of. Long story short, we brought them home to Utah and adopted them. That would be our Danielle and her big brother Aaron. During the course of 4-5 years, Aaron was diagnosed as BiPolar and was showing inappropriate behavior towards Dani. The decision was made to take him back to his great grandmothers in Texas, where she gave him back to his birth mom...wrong decision on our part and hers. He was soon taken away from his birth mom and put up for adoption.

Well, to show that miracles do happen and to always listen to our promptings and dreams, my niece Joanne in Washington had a dream that she needed to look on a website (this was a couple of weekends ago) and there she found Aaron. 12 years later, there is my little boy (I still consider him as my son) and he is looking handsome. But the disturbing part is he was back up for adoption, leading me to believe he had been in and out of homes for close to maybe 12 years. What would have happened if we would have still had him, would he had a better childhood, it's just ironic that he is experiencing the same problems as our Danielle.
So I've contacted the State of Texas and I am just waiting to hear if there is anything I can do, any assitance of history, etc, or even just to see him. We'll just wait and see. It's funny how life plays out! Here is a picture of brother and sister, Aaron and Danielle!

Friday, May 21, 2010

My Growing Family

I just have to share, I took these pictures a couple of days ago and just can't get over how different each girl is. And how fast they grow. When I see these three gorgeous, wonderful, energenic granddaughters of mine, I remember my own three daughters growing up. Each one of these girls are so different in their own way, it's fun to sit back and watch life unfold for them.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Do you ever just have those memories that bring a tear to your eyes? I guess I am having one right now. I'm sitting here at my desk at work, looking at my pictures on my computer and I ran across these pictures of my trip to California last year to see my daughter Ashley. I had a marvelous time and enjoyed being with her and being by the ocean again. I so miss that ocean, the sea air, the cleanliness of the breeze, the squacks of the seagulls, that is what I grew up with and so did my daughters. That is the hard thing about growing old, the childhood days of your children growing up, goes by so fast but it makes my head spin. And then the thoughts go through my mind, "I wish I could go back in time and change things. If I only knew then what I know now". I am trying very hard not to live with regrets to keep saying to myself "I did the best I could with what I had". But at times that doesn't work. If I could gather my daughters around me again, right now, I would, but I am so happy and thrilled with how they are living their lives.

Now this picture here is pretty pathetic, no make up, didn't do my hair but look at my face and the face of my daughter Ashley's. We were just happy for that moment! My dream is to one day have all my daughters at the ocean having these kinds of days, along with my grandchildren and their husbands and of course my wonderful husband.
Love to all my family...and when I say family I am including my "Hess" family, all branches, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, etc.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Stay Tuned...

If you are one of my blog readers, just stay tuned, there are some major changes coming to our little family. More later!

My daughter Raelyn and her husband Mitch came into town this weekend. They are moving from Maryland to Sacramento, CA and my home is the pit-stop. I've enjoyed their visit so much. My Mother's Day was great also. Went out to lunch with Brenna, Raelyn and Dani. Mike even had the dishes done by the time I got home from lunch. That was special. But now Raelyn and Mitch will be leaving tomorrow and I feel I didn't get to spend that much time with her. Just too many people for them to visit. I'll just have to take a little vacation and go out there to see them.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day also!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Mother's Day...Meet my Daughters!

I was looking through some of my family pictures and thought I would talk about my family a little. I spend a lot of time talking about my granddaughters and Dani and Mike that I don't spend enough time on my other three daughters. Here are some fun facts about my daughters. Starting with the oldest:
Brenna: Born May 21, 1981. Brenna is my miracle baby because I was told by several doctors I could not have children. Surprise! Her dad and I fooled them. But one of my favorite stories is when I was in labor, the nurses were getting me ready for a c-section and when my doctor came in (he was a Stake President in Pasadena, CA) I had asked him and my husband for a blessing, I was scared half to death. But during the blessing my doctor stopped and said "we have to go now". Well, when they pulled Brenna out she had two knots in her umbilical cord. If they would have waited longer, we might have lost her. Another fun fact, Brenna has always been drawn to the dramatic side of life. Always performing something, she would put on the funnest plays...all by herself. Now she is a fantastic mother of three beautiful daughters, and she is still putting on little shows for her daughters.
Ashley: Born June 7, 1984. For this pregnancy we were living overseas on Guam (Air Force). I came home to California early because I couldn't travel past a certain date and my husband had to stay there. But Ashley had other about 6 weeks, I kept going into pre-labor. So I was in and out of the hospital many times. But when it was pretty clear I couldn't go the full term, my doctor contacted the Red Cross so they can contact the Air Force to get my husband home. He made it home in time for the big event. Again, it was a c-section and within two weeks after delivery, it was a big move to Great Falls Montana. Like Brenna, through Ashley's life she has also been part of the dramatics department. But...during her childhood, if you were to ask Ashley what she wanted to be when she grew up, her answer always was "a mommy". Ashley also received the honorary title of "The Bag Lady". She always carried some kind of bag or bags around with all her stuff in it. And as an adult, she still does.

Raelyn: Born April 21, 1986. Raelyn was born on my best friends daughters birthday. Raelyn was named after my best friend who I met when we lived on Guam. Raelyn's story is a little different. Brenna was born weight 6lbs 12oz, Ashley was 5lbs, 13oz, Raelyn was 3lbs 2oz. Born 7 weeks early. But she was only in NICU for two weeks. My first look at her was a picture the NICU nurse took for me. She had tubes coming from her head and arm. So small and fragile. Raelyn surprised us in every way, you would never know she was a premie. She would walk along the back of my couch, on top, not against a wall...without falling. Through the years Raelyn has been our comic relief. If there were tense times she was the one to make us laugh! She is still that way today. She always knows how to make me smile or laugh!
Danielle: Born December 7, 1994. She came to our family in a different way. My dear sweet sister in law died unexpectedly and while we were at her funeral, my niece was holding this baby who was limp in her arms, actually failure to thrive. She was wearing a dress that was so big on her. Tugged at my heart. I remember going up to my niece, taking the baby into my arms and saying to her "thank you, she's mine now". She has been in my life ever since she was four weeks old. Yes, we have had our challenges and yes she has some problems. But her spirit and talents have brought many blessings to my family. She is extremely talented in the arts department.
Brenna, Ashley and Raelyn grew up in a musical family. We were like the VonTrapp family, always singing, mom at the piano. We sang for sacrament meetings, primary programs, etc. They sang through high school and Brenna and Ashley sang with a special singing group ran by Mark and Jeannette Bishop (Choral Edition). That is where we met Adam and Kyle! We knew them before I ever met Mike. That is where the connection is with me and my husband.
That's just a little bit of each of my daughters. I am extremely blessed to have them in my life and very blessed to be their mother! Happy Mother's Day!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Graduation Day!

This past week has been pretty exciting for my husband Mike. His second son, Kyle, graduated from college on Friday. I wasn't able to go because I wasn't able to get off from work, but Mike took Grandma Hess with him down to Orem for that graduation ceremony. I know that he is extremely proud of his son.
This on Saturday was a bridal shower for Chris and Dacia's upcoming marriage. Meeting Dacia was fun...I think she is the perfect match for Chris. She will definately keep him on his toes. I didn't take my camera which I regret, I would have loved to have a picture of her for my family update. The wedding is scheduled for June 18th up at the Logan Temple. Aunt Debbie and Emily sure are excited to have a new female to the family. I think she fits in just wonderfully!
And believe it or not, there isn't much to report. Mike and I are diligently planning our annual anniversary trip. This year we are going down to Bryce Canyon for four days. During that time Danielle will be in California with her sister Ashley. I know that Dani is so EXCITED and believe me, SO AM I!!!!
Everyone in my family is in good health and spirits at this time. Love to all!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

What a Beautiful Sunday...A Day at the Park!

What a beautiful day it was today. I just love having a Sunday where church is in the morning and the rest of the day just hanging at home or doing an impromtu picnic. Dani and I were originally going to the park but we had guests. We made peanut butter and jelly sandwichs, fruit slices, drinks and chips. We took Kaitlyn with us and then Brenna came later with Kyla and Kamryn. It was beautiful. We walked around around Beus pond, ate our lunch and watched the pond, just wish my husband was with us!

Excellent Article that Needs to be Read by Everyone!

I'd like to see editorials like this one in every city's newspapers this week. This one is from a Tennesse newspaper (link below).

Guest editorial: Behavior problem can be detected

By Carolyn Szetela, Ph.D., and Roger Zoorob, M.D., MPH • April 18, 2010

The recent news of a 7-year-old boy adopted from Russia and returned to his home country because of alleged behavioral problems calls to mind a new family struggling to find the routine, comfort and acceptance that helps most families function.

Whether a child is adopted, foster parented or raised by biological parents, children with significant behavioral problems should be evaluated for alcohol-related birth disorders, called fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).

Alcohol is a teratogen, meaning that it can cause birth defects in the developing fetus. The level of risk is higher when alcohol is used in higher quantities and at critical times of fetal development. In the United States as well as Russia, the use of alcohol during pregnancy is common, and many pregnant women are not aware of the risks.

In the United States, about one out of every 10 women report drinking in the past month of pregnancy, and about one out of 25 pregnant women reports binge drinking of five or more drinks per occasion in the past month.

Children who have experienced foster care have higher rates of FASD. This may contribute to the findings of a recently announced Swedish study that more than half of 71 children adopted from Eastern European countries were affected by FASD.

Often overlooked problem
FASD is often overlooked and presents differently in every affected child and adult. It can manifest in mild to severe learning, mental, behavioral and/or physical disabilities. Children who are affected and their families often go through their lives without understanding the cause of their struggles to function and fit in, and without access to the interventions to help them manage.

While there is no single blood test or psychological screen that can tell if a person is affected, trained health professionals can typically identify when FASD is present and propose strategies and interventions for doing better. Meharry Medical College is host to the Southeastern FASD Regional Training Center, which urges more public attention to this health issue and trains health providers to identify and help manage the disorder.

It is not appropriate to offer an "armchair diagnosis" of the child spotlighted in the Russian adoption case, and multiple causes may influence any behavioral problems he may have. However, an FASD evaluation should be part of any child's health evaluation for persistent cognitive, developmental or behavioral challenges.

Parenting is difficult in the best of circumstances, and parenting high-needs children is sometimes overwhelming. When FASD is present, the question of blame is irrelevant. Acknowledging the possibility of FASD is an opportunity for the child and parents to understand the child's difficulties and help restore their best potential.

And one more thing: If you are pregnant or may become pregnant, remember that alcohol is a known teratogenic drug that targets the developing baby's brain. No mother wants to harm her child. FASDs are 100 percent preventable.

Carolyn Szetela, Ph.D., and Roger Zoorob, M.D., MPH are based at Meharry Medical College and the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders South East Regional Training Center.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Today was an interesting day when it comes to conversations. My husband and I belong to a family that are strong supporters of "The Constitution", "The Bill of Rights", etc. We read, or I should say I read, my husband listens while he drives books about our founding Fathers. We love our country and what it stands for. Dani got involved in this conversation and she had real no idea who our first presidents were. What she knew was from what she learned from the movie "National Treasure". Come to find out, and in looking at her school history book, the kids are not being taught American history. So with that said, we spent a wonderful afternoon reading "The Constitution" and talking about it. Now...the test will be if she remembers what we talked about. But then again, it wasn't about the learning, it was all about spending the time together in discussion instead of arguing or having one of those FASD meltdowns. Or dad and Dani butting heads, to see who gets the last word, etc. Usually when we have these kinds of discussions, Dani gets mad and frustrated because she always feels she is right and mom and dad don't have a clue! But today, it was wonderful!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

What a Wonderful Weekend!

This past weekend has been wild and wonderful! First off it was Kaitlyn's first soccer game of the season and she was ready for it. I just love watching her run up and down the field because she always has a smile on her face while she is running. During part of the game, her little sister Kyla, wanted to play so badly that she ran out in the field with the girls, running after the ball too! It was cute to see! Then after that we went down to the Aquarium in Sandy. We were also celebrating Kaitlyn 6th birthday which is actually tomorrow (Monday) but since I have to work we did a family activity on Saturday. Then today (Sunday) was Kamryn's blessing. By the way, this picture I was able to get her to giggle. Too cute! Her dad gave her such a wonderful and special blessing. Then after church we had a family gathering at Jason's brother's house. Then Sunday afternoon Kaitlyn and family came over for her birthday present...a new bike and helmet. If you are on Facebook with me you can see a video of Kaitlyn's first bike ride.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hoppy Easter!

What a wonderful day it was today. There is nothing better than my grandchildren, my daughter Dani and my other daughter Brenna and her husband Jason coming over for Easter Breakfast. I made the traditional (it's traditional because Kaitlyn and Kyla love pancakes) bacon, pancakes, sliced strawberries, cold orange juice and special drinks for the kids. Grandpa Mike and I, even though Grandpa Mike is in California, had special baskets for the kids. Danielle got a new Easter dress. What was even better was watching General Conference together. Then mom and dad went back to their place while the kids stayed with Grandma so the Easter Bunny could do his thing. Well, I should say that the Easter Bunny this year was an Vampire Easter Bunny. When the kids were going through their candy, Jason brought out a bowl from Halloween that still had some left over candy in it, including the vampire teeth. The next picture tells it all and cracks me up! Then the rest of the day is being spent relaxing and getting ready for the work week. Hope everyone has a great holiday with their families! Happy Easter!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Day in Salt Lake City!

Today Ashley, Dani, Brenna, my three granddaughters and myself spent the day down in Salt Lake. First to Temple Square and then to the Gateway. We also saw a 3D Imax show at the planitarium. Had a wonderful time but came home completely exhausted, but it is a wonderful exhausted. I love spending time with my daughters and especially my granddaughters. They sure are the light of my life. I know how my dad felt about my daughters as they were growing up. What would have made the day even better...if Mike was home to enjoy it with us.
In our family growing up, no matter were we were going there was always singing going on in our car. Many times dad and I would be in the front seat just smiling while our daughters were enjoying themselfs with different songs or playing movie titles. Well, today on the way home my car was reminicent of those early days. A lot of singing going on, laughter and of course sleeping. Kaitlyn and Kyla were fast asleep during this time.
In reflection, looking at these pictures really brings home the teachings of eternal families!